Purposeful Pivots


I overthink most things. Often times I turn something over in mind enough times that its completely distorted by the time I am done kind of like clutching an Oreo cookie in a closed fist for too long. It loses form, flavor, and really even appeal. Yet I find that I am doing this less and less over time largely because of the process that God has put me in with church planting and simply just following Jesus. One of the things that I have clutched onto / overthought is my purpose. Even more specifically the way that I live out my purpose. I know my purpose ultimately is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, but how do I live that out? How do I put that into action as we live in Denver, work in Denver, raise kids in Denver, start churches in Denver, start businesses in Denver, and so much more. The danger of this is that, like the Oreo cookie, with too much time thinking about all of this and very little time putting action toward my thinking purpose can become distorted. It can lose form, flavor and even appeal.


Why am I bringing this up? Well, over the last two years this is what I have been doing in cyclical fashion, and recently we started a new season of analyzing. How do we as a family show up? How about us as a church? How do we love and lead our kids as they all step into the public school system this fall? How do we stay in love with one another in the midst of busy schedules and busy lives? How do we love an lead our neighbors to Jesus? How do we champion what is beautiful in our city and in our neighborhood? How do we start more and more expressions of the church across our city?

Pivots. Pivots from point to point over time on a long journey of following Jesus. We are moving in one direction and that is toward Christ, but often times their are degrees of change that must happen whether it is in our hearts or in our rhythms of life. We are always asking God what he wants us to do next and that is honestly the only thing that keeps me from overthinking every decision to the where it is a mushy Oreo in my mind. He says come follow me. What are you willing to leave behind?

This year we made a pivot toward Ally starting a business and pursuing a passion and a career. This has led us to a pivot of me quitting my coffee shop job (mostly) to spend more time with the kids all summer, and to put more time toward Ally’s business. This was not a pivot I had on my radar by any means, but the Lord is very much in it. By no means is this a pivot from bi-vocational work entirely, but rather a seasonal shift toward a paradigm where WE (Ally and I) are parenting our kids, WE are in ministry together, and WE are bi-vocational in the workforce.

Another pivot is coming in the Fall once the kids begin school. Will you pray that we keep transitioning well?

Other Troublemaking Activities…

Since our last update we have…

  • Started our second round of our Missionary Pathway Training. This is a space to spark missionary identity in the lives of everyday followers of Jesus. I am so stoked on what God is doing in the lives of the 5 participants and my co-leader.

  • Finished our first school year at DCIS, our local public school.

  • Taken a family vacation back to the midwest to visit a LOT of family, and rest deeply (although not physically).

  • Started working our local Farmer’s Market on the weekends for Jubilee Roasting Co.

  • Continued to be faithful with the relationships, new and less new, in prayer, DBS, and friendship.

Prayer / Practical Needs

  • Our Family

    • Unity, joy, and healthy bodies through the winter (KEEP PRAYING).

    • Healthy work / life balance in the transitioning of jobs yet again and roles in vocation.

    • For Michael to get the right job this fall as he pursues bivocational work in a new way.

      • We pray for relationships, soft soil for the gospel, flexible scheduling, proximity to our neighborhood, and even decent pay.

  • DCIS at Fairmont Elementary School

    • Staff and Administration

    • Inroads that are paved with love by us being a blessing.

  • People far from Jesus:

    • Ciara, Chandler, Jon, Mikey, Caleb, Greg, Dana, Tuan, Amy, Mike, Avery, John, Ramsey, Walter, and so so many more.

  • Our Church

    • We want to open a permanent 24/7 prayer room in our city. This takes prayer and money. Pray for the place to show up, and if you want to help fund this place let me know. 

    • Emerging leaders, united as one body, disciple-makers to be exposed and called, gifts and callings to be identified.

    • Deliverance (action) taken by our people as we follow Jesus.


People and Prayer


Family and Movement