Run The Play

I’m no sports guy.

I think that maybe goes without saying, but these days I have been saying a phrase that is all over March Madness. That phrase is “Run the play”.

Right now we are praising God for the great kindness of not only having a “play” to run, but having people to run it. We have been praying for God to help us raise up leaders to lead so that our Discovery Groups can multiply, and as of one month ago he has done just that. We have moved from the White Board Stage to the Focus Group Stage, and now we are officially in the Run the Play Stage.

We want these Discovery Groups to help people discover the person of Jesus through the scriptures by the Spirit. Why? Because it is a Blessing to know and follow Jesus. It is a great Blessing to help others know and follow Jesus. It is an even greater Blessing to start a spiritual family in a Discovery Group. It is the greatest Blessing to equip others to start spiritual families.

But… this all has to start in the mundane ordinary stuff of prayer, conversations, meals, loving service, and bold sharing.

My prayer request from you is that we would faithfully do all that we have set out to do, but also that we would grow into a people living in a culture of being a BLESSING. That we would pray for, listen to, eat meals with, serve, and share our stories with our neighbors, coworkers, and friends.

This is how we run the play. This is how we plant Cap City. This is how we carry out the vision of Seeking the Renewal of the City Through the Renewal of the Citizen.


The Speed of God


Small(ish) Faith. Big God.