Starting to Stay


Our first month in Colorado has come and gone! In some ways we have settled into this new normal. Driving with sunshine on our faces almost every day, the beauty of the Rockies, the traffic, and the expensive coffee all seem pretty normal anymore. Yet there is so much that is new every day. God is continuing to show us new mercy every single day that appears in the faces of strangers, times of quiet in prayer, our new church family at The Oaks, and a growth of brotherhood for us at The Send Network. These are just a few ways that we are experiencing the grace of God for us, strengthening our hearts, and helping us abide in him.

This past month we got the opportunity to live with Ally’s parents north of the city. What a treat it was to be with family, watch our kids be loved so deeply every single day by Nana and Papa, and provide space for Ally and I to grow in our marriage, teamwork for planting Capitol City Church, and simply to enjoy our family.

This month was also the beginning of us getting to soak and spend more time with our new church family, co-laborors, and dear friends at The Oaks. Many of you might be wondering what work looks like for us right now. While I officially will not start my apprenticeship with the Send Network/The Oaks Church until January we have had the opportunity to spend time at “The Office” with others. The office space has been home to many brainstorming sessions, prayer meetings, trainings, and play time with the kids. We look forward to so much time here on our faces before the throne of grace, but also with these brothers and sisters as we seek the renewal of the city of Denver TOGETHER.

At the beginning of November we were able to participate in our Send Network Orientation where we caught a deeper vision of being a church that values family, multiplication, and restoration. I also am continuing my training through the Send Network where I am a part of a church planting cohort with other planters in the front range. This group of men is invaluable to me as we learn together from our amazing trainers what it looks like to plant healthy churches that last.

One of my favorite things that I have been able to do alone, as well as with our whole family is simply walking and praying the streets of Capitol Hill. Covid-19 has shut down much of the activity of the city, but that has not deterred us from walking, talking with strangers, and crying out to God to make war on the strongholds of our city, our neighborhood, and her citizens. The deep needs for freedom and restoration, deep cries for justice and hope, and deep craving for belonging are more apparent than ever before. It is apparent when you talk to the millennial barista at Thump Coffee and the houseless man on the street corner. It is apparent when you listen to the cries and howls of the pedestrians and when you read the writing on the plywood that boards the storefronts of Colfax. It is apparent that the Lord wants Ally and I to hear the cry of the city, weep with them, and bring hope and empowerment that only the Spirit of God can bring. There is much we want to see God do, but right now we are hearing him say, “Listen. Be faithful. Be present together.”


While we wait we are also moving. We had the pleasure of moving into our own home a week ago. This home is what we are calling our Temporary Mansion because it is much larger than most anywhere else we will likely live once we arrive in Cap Hill. The Mansion has been graciously provided to us as a gift for the next year through the Send Network. Just so you know this is a HUGE answer to prayers we have been praying for months! PRAISE THE LIVING GOD!

One of our longings is to love Englewood (where the Mansion is located) as well as we love Cap Hill. While this is not where we will land long term there are neighbors, strangers, coffee shop workers, cashiers, and so many others that are longing for more and wandering this in search of Jesus without knowing him. We want to be faithful here and now not just later when we “arrive”. We are grateful for this home, this time of preparing the foundation and building the framework for our local church, and are grateful for how you all have helped us get here! THANK YOU.

Help Us Stay

If you are reading this then you are (most likely) a Partner with us in this work already. You are praying for us, participating with us in considering joining our team, visiting, calling, and connecting us with others, and many of you are providing financially to our efforts. We want to say thank you for all that you have done over this year of crazy uncertainty, challenge, and celebration. From the depths of our being thank you.

We also want to ask you to consider Partnering with us afresh as we approach the end of the year and the start of another.

Here are our goals:

Phase 1 Financial Progress

We are trying to raise $110,000 for Phase 1 of Capitol City Church. Please pray that we would reach 100% so we can maximize the flourishing of our ministry and our family!
  • 250 Prayer Partners

  • A team of 15 people by 2022

  • $110,000 raised for Phase 1 (Nov. 2020-Oct. 2021)

Here is where we are:

  • 213 Prayer Partners

  • 1 team member (that isn’t Ally or I)

  • $81,000 raised (74% of the way!)

I tenderly ask you to consider how you might extend your partnership as we approach year, and as we begin afresh 2021.

  • Consider sharing our prayer updates with other faithful believers in your family, church, and life to bring greater unity in the body to intercede for our city.

  • Consider whether God is calling you to join us in the work here on location.

  • Consider who you might know that is a prime candidate to join in what God is already doing here.

  • Consider giving financially by starting for the first time with a one time gift or a one time gift, or increasing your current monthly gift.

A new way we want to offer partnership is by bringing to light specific ways you can contribute to our financial needs.

  1. One way we are trying to engage with those in our neighborhood is through engaging the houseless and the poor that line the streets. We have a goal of eating a meal with three times a week in order hear their story and pray for the Spirit to grip their hearts. If you would like to contribute to this consider giving a recurring gift of $50, $100 or $200 each month.

  2. We have needed to buy new furniture for our home that is compact and versatile for our upcoming urban lifestyle. If you would like to contribute to this consider giving a one time gift of $200, $500, or $1,000.

  3. For more ways please don’t hesitate to ask.

Thank you for Partnering with us in the gospel as we seek the renewal of the city of Denver through the renewal of her citizens Together.

Michael, Ally, Aksel, Flora, and Frances Van Waardhuizen.


Returning & Residency.

