April 2020 Prayer Team Update

Where We've Been

In these uncertain times I am drawn to reflect on our story in church planting. Waiting has been our normal for the last four years. Waiting for answers, for direction, for clarity on what God would be pleased to do in our lives. We have spent many days and nights thirsty for revelation that comes from the River of Life. Yet, hindsight reveals the countless times that we were never far from Christ. We were never far from thirst quenching satisfaction in Jesus, with or without answers. 

As mentioned previously our story began by a very particular and vivid call to church planting, and then a season of waiting for more details. Right now we are reflecting heavily on that season of waiting. Waiting while waking every morning to jobs we knew we weren’t intending to stay; in apartments we weren’t planning to call Home. Waiting for our first child to appear, while waiting for any grain of vision for our future in church planting. 

These days were darker than I care to remember, share, or revisit, and yet God moved toward us with kindness, gentleness, and love. Peace was the cloud that the Holy Spirit brought to replace despair, worry, and fear. Hindsight shows me that the faithfulness of the Lord has always remained. 

Where We Are

Waiting is our Today. Waiting to see how COVID-19 pans out. Waiting for what the future holds. Abiding in the changes that have come. While we were on our trip to Denver over Spring Break (AKA COVID Shutdown Week) we received the news that my position at my part-time job had been terminated for the foreseeable future. Just before that we were notified that our upcoming assessment for church planting has been postponed to an unknown date. In an hour we joined the masses that are now affected by the virus. Now here me say this: We are not panicking. However, we are waiting. We, like anyone, are simply waiting to see how this develops.

There are many differences today as compared to four years ago, yet we are waiting. Waiting while waking to a job that I love in a home that is better than I deserve, and yet we long for Denver. Waiting the arrival of our third child. Waiting while we work here and now, but we wait for what is in store there. This season is not as dark as we have been in the past. Our joy is deeper. Our hope is stronger. Our belief in the faithfulness of the Lord is richer. Hindsight is helpful. Sight of the faithfulness of Christ. 

I am drawn to plead with the Lord to make us more and more like the righteous man in Psalm 1:3 “He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.” I am drawn to rejoice that he has made us like this over the years including these past four years. We are planted by streams of living water that flows through us. We know Christ is sustaining us, and we are joyful in the waiting and changing times of COVID-19. 

Yet while we are waiting God has been ushering us into a time as a family that is sweeter than ever before. We are together. Loving it. Laughing a LOT.
Jesus has also ushered us into a more intense season of prayer, silence and solitude, and listening to him. This is a better gift than any we have ever asked, and for that we are thankful. 

Where We are Headed

As we wait now we know that Christ will continue to give good gifts as we ask. We also know that this theme of waiting is not unique to us or to us right now. We look ahead to our unknown future KNOWING that we are always going to be waiting on the Lord, dependent upon him to move, and to send his wind and rain. Yet, we will draw from what we know: Jesus is faithful and near. In his presence there is fullness of joy. 

When we are looking ahead we are praying, fasting, and longing for more of his presence and the fruit that comes from abiding is the sugary sweet morsel on top. 

Check out our Gender Reveal Video for a little joy in your day (even if you already watched it online!)

Prayer Needs

  • We are praying that our assessment would be rescheduled sooner rather than later so that we can know whether or not we will have this support and backing.

  • We are praying that God would clarify when we are supposed to move now that this assessment is postponed. Our original date of September is not likely at this point.

  • We are experiencing fruit of family unity, but long for EVEN MORE as we continue. 

  • Emotional and spiritual health for Ally and I as we continue to prepare for this adventure. Now is a time where we are chasing the vision of rest and health before the new work of church planting. 

  • Health for our baby girl!

  • We are praying that God would send at least ten churches to partner with us both in prayer and in financial support as we begin our residency this coming September. 

  • We are also praying for individuals to partner with us in financial support to meet our Phase One Financial Goal for our year of Residency. 

  • A team of missionaries to go with us into Capitol Hill to reach out to the lost.


May 2020 Prayer Team Update


March 2020 Prayer Team Update