May 2020 Prayer Team Update

Where We've Been

Renewed hope in the midst of change and waiting. That is what I am reflecting on today. This is another thread that is woven into the tapestry of God’s story and my own. I have been reflecting on the portion of our story where we were waiting. Waiting for God to confirm our call into church planting. Waiting for God to make the next step clear. Working in Cedar Falls, serving at Redeemer church, called to Colorado and church planting with no prospects, and honestly no motivation to make plans. I felt like Israel in Numbers 11 grumbling to God how my “strength is dried up, and there is nothing at all... but this manna to look at.” Manna, a gift from God, as a reminder of the flame and power of God. Of his provision. But still grumbling and waiting. Waiting... for anything to fan into flame the spark that was remaining.

Then the wind blew.

Then the Spirit of God rushed in. 

Renewed hope came in the form of a phone call. Donovan, our lead pastor, called to check in on our plans for Colorado (of which I had none). My empty plans, lack of motivation, and apathy were exactly where God had me so that He could provide my strength and my hope. Donovan had called to do more than check-in but to make me an offer. To give me an opportunity to lay my life down as an offering for the church as worship, as training, and as a test for church planting. The offer: Start a student ministry from scratch. Come on staff to see what God would do with a little time and a whole lot of trust. 

Renewed hope. A pathway. A highway in the sea of chaos. The Spirit blew to not only fan into flame the dying spark of hope in me, but also to make the way to himself. To His Presence. 

Where We Are

Everyone has been tossed around by COVID-19. Yet God has shown up in the midst. That thread of hope has been brought out again.

This month has felt like a slap to the face in a brightly lit room. What was around you seemed apparent, but somehow a stinging pain has landed upon your cheek. It is shocking. But the shock wears off. For me that shock wore off in the form of a renewed sense of calling. God very plainly reminded me that he has called me to plant a church in Denver by making disciples in Denver. To simplify the wake up: God woke me up to the reality that he has given us an inheritance in Denver and we are ready to do what it takes to get there. 

While we are still awaiting news of how we will proceed with the North American Mission Board in the future we are still moving toward our residency at The Oaks Church. Derick and the Oaks are ready for us to get there (any day now), and still abide in the vision of planting us in Denver. Capitol Hill still exists, there are still lost people there, and we are still being drawn by His Spirit to join in the work He is doing. We simply have to arrive. Show up and play on the playground of Denver with the Father who loves us.

Where We are Headed

Hope and joy is often future oriented. We are looking forward to knowing more, but also are so grateful for how God is deepening our roots now. 

Like always we know that there is so much more to come. Hope is future oriented and we have not yet arrived on That Day. God has woken me up to realize that my strength is in the Lord. My hope is in the maker of heaven and earth. We have a renewed hope that if God wants us to get to Denver he is the source of power and strength behind it. 

What we look ahead to is a summer that is full of preparation and planning. Preparation is primarily going to be fundraising. Sharing our vision for making disciples, planting churches, and seeking the presence of God in Denver, Colorado so that we can grow our team of partners bought into that vision. We are praying that God would be preparing singles, families, and churches to join up with us in a number of ways so that we can get on the ground this October. We are pleased to say that we have gained another church partner in Paragon Church out of Grinnell, Iowa. We are so grateful for their backing us in our work. 

One way that we may be able to arrive in Denver propped up for success is by working with an organization known as Apartment Life. Ally and I just (20 minutes ago) found out that we have officially been accepted into their program to help radically transform apartment communities with the hope of the gospel. However, while we have been accepted we have not been placed. A missionary not only needs to be funded and vouched for, but needs placement before they begin their work. We now are going to ask you to join us in praying that by a move of God an apartment community opens up in Capitol Hill so that we can be placed there as missionaries of the gospel this fall. While this is not the only way we can get there it is something that we believe God has placed on our hearts for a reason. 

Thank you all for your amazing support. 

Prayer Needs

  • For an apartment community in Capitol Hill, Denver to open up this fall so we can move in with this awesome organization. 

  • That our assessment would be rescheduled sooner rather than later so that we can know whether or not we will have this support and backing.

  • That God would clarify when we are supposed to move now that this assessment is postponed. Our original date of September is not likely at this point.

  • We are experiencing fruit of family unity, but long for EVEN MORE as we continue. 

  • Emotional and spiritual health for Ally and I as we continue to prepare for this adventure. Now is a time where we are chasing the vision of rest and health before the new work of church planting. 

  • Health for our baby girl!

  • That God would send at least ten churches to partner with us both in prayer and in financial support as we begin our residency this coming September. 

  • For individuals to partner with us in financial support to meet our Phase One Financial Goal for our year of Residency. 

  • A team of missionaries to go with us into Capitol Hill to reach out to the lost.


July 2020 Prayer Team Update


April 2020 Prayer Team Update